Simple GuestBook

cPanel can generate a simple guestbook for your website. Guestbooks allow visitors to leave comments about your website.


Add a Guestbook

To add a simple guestbook:

  • Copy and paste the HTML code from the bottom of the screen into your web page.
Once this is done, visitors to your site will be able to sign your guestbook and view others’ greetings.

View Your Guestbook

  • To view the guestbook on your website, click the View Guestbook link.

Manage Your Guestbook

  • To delete entries or email a guest, click the Manage Guestbook link.


Edit Guestbook Template Link

This link, located at the top of the Simple Guestbook main page, allow you to edit the appearance of the guestbook. To accomplish this, you will need to be familiar with HTML. Consult your preferred search engine for tutorials and information about HTML.

PICK Remember: Click Save when you are finished modifying the HTML code in the text box.


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